Slikka Studio

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Hopping - Europe

a quick getaway

Taking a little break from our 9 to 5, we decided to hop on over to Europe for a little inspiration. Living in Ottawa, the capital of the True North, we’ve decided to backpack through other capitals just a six hour flight away from us. We’ve charted a route that sees us spend four days each in the capitals of Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic and Netherlands. 

Spending just four days in these beautiful, historically charged cities, we really had to prioritize what to see. After daily 30,000 step expeditions around the cities, we managed to nearly do it all and visit some of the top sights and check out the best tours in each city. I took my “Explorer” drone to document the journey.


Europe has some of the toughest laws on flight restrictions, with each country and region having their own variation of flight laws and regulations. Due to these restrictions we’ve had to get very creative to find ways to capture the beauty and the scenery without infringing on the local rules and regulations. To get some of the beautiful spanning city shots you see, where we couldn’t fly, we had to mimic flight by physically filming from high vantage points. The results speak for themselves.

Enjoy the compilation!
sliʞka studio